Browse Day

January 10, 2016

Young Women with risk of Heart Disease

womenWomen affected with endometriosis that is a chronic painful condition affecting reproductive organs have chances to get heart disease. A new study has revealed this information. The study was published on Tuesday. American Heart Association paper- Cardiovascular quality and outcomes have found that women less than years or younger have high risks of heart disease. They are three times highly probable to get chest pain, heart attack or require a cure for blocked arteries. It was compared to women who are free from this medical condition.

Investigators from Brigham and Women’s medical center has been following 120,000 women for more than twenty years. It was found that more than 12,000 participants suffered from endometriosis. It is the development of tissue that outlines the uterus to several parts of the body. The heart disease was found in every woman who was affected with endometriosis. It has been increased and seen mostly for women who are under 40 years of age. The research revealed 52% percentage of women have increased danger of heart attack. More than 91% of women have increased chances of developing chest pain or angina. About 35% are in need of surgery or treatment for open blocked arteries.

Dr. Stacey Missmer told that it was not a coincidence. Dr. Stacey Missmer is the director of reproductive medicine and epidemiology research at the Brigham’s Women’s medical center. She has coauthored the study. She told that women suffering from endometriosis had chances of systemic inflammation. They will have poor oxidative stress record. They also have changes in their cholesterol levels and their lipid profile. All these conditions can result in high chances of cardiovascular disease. About 10% of women in reproductive age experience endo or endometriosis. According to Dr. Stacey Missmer, it can end up in important life consequences like inability to take part in daily activities or work or infertility because of extreme pain.

Allison Moldoff, who is 21 years old, was analyzed with endo while she was 12 years old. As she was growing, she experienced pain that was horrendous. She developed depression and anxiety because of fear of pain of periods each month. She stopped to exercise due to terrific pain. She began to gain weight. Moldoff told that her pain is excruciating. Her mother and older sister were diagnosed with endometriosis. She added that her pain is like having a knot in the back. When she tries to stretch out, she experienced more pain. It pierces and her whole body remains taken because of the pain. She has already undergone three surgeries to eliminate the pain. She is thinking to undergo a fourth surgery soon. She is battling with fitness and weight issues. She has learned its connection with the heart disease. Its makes her more determined to follow her nutritionist advice.